Rival Homes is rooted in the belief that a custom home should be well designed, reasonably priced, and built to last. Our focus is on collaboration: We’ll work with you to create a home that fits your future—and your budget—with straightforward pricing and a level of workmanship that’s beyond compare. Let us help you start your next chapter.

We are Rival Homes.

Core Values


Whether you’re the hands-on type who wants to be involved in every step of the process or you prefer to leave the design to us, we want to make sure your voice is heard as we bring your vision to life. This is your dream, so communication is key. 


We stand behind our work 100%. That means fair pricing, exceptional quality, and a home that’s built to last—all delivered with honest, no-nonsense customer service.


The name Rival Homes was inspired in part by our commitment to going a step further. We’re driven to one-up ourselves—and our competition—every step of the way to ensure that you’re getting the best quality construction at the best price.


We believe custom-built homes should be affordable without having to compromise on quality. We want our homes to be within reach no matter where you are in life, whether you’re a young couple looking to grow your family or retired parents looking to downsize.